CedarCraft Wiki

Starter Guide

- Creating a new town

  • /town new [name] - Will create a new town, this will cost 2500 ember to create. And has an upkeep of 10 ember per day depending on the town level (no. of residents). Also you will need to be rank (IV)Townsman, more info in ranks. Use "_" (underscore) and no spaces in the name of your town.

- Adding more plots for the town

  • /map on - Will display a map of your town, you need to claim plots that are beside another claimed plot. Plot sizes are 9x9.
  • /res toggle plotborder - Turns on smokey plot border view. Will help you find the plot size border too.
  • /town claim - Stand in the chunk that you want to claim for your town, must be beside an already claimed plot or home block.
  • /town unclaim - Will unclaim the plot/chunk you're standing in.

- Adding a player to the town

  • /town invite [player] - Sends an invite to join town. Player then has to accept it with /accept [town-name] or /deny [town-name]

- Selling/Renting out a plot to a player

  • /plot fs [amount] - [For - mayor/assistant] - Puts the plot you're standing on for sale for x amount of ember.
  • /plot claim - [For - player] - Player needs to stand on the plot and type this command to make them claim that plot.

- Changing rank for player

  • /town rank add [player] [rank] - Changes the rank for that player to what you choose. Ranks are: assistant and sheriff
  • /town set mayor [player] - Will remove you as mayor, and set player will then become mayor. Warning be careful using this command.


  • Plot sizes are 9x9
  • Start off with max 25 plots, each resident that joins will add another 25 plots to the max.
  • Starting cost 2,500 ember, and tax every 24 hours irl is 10 ember.
  • Each plot the town claim cost 25 ember.
  • Nation default bonus 100 extra plots.

Default Plots:

These plots do not need any specific command to be designated.

They are put up for sale with /plot forsale {$$}.
A plot which is not of default type can be reset to a default plot with /plot set reset.

Shop Plots:

Shop plots are designated with /plot set shop.

Mayor can use /town set shopprice {$$} to set how much shop plots are sold at by default. This can be overridden when a mayor puts the actual plot up for sale with /plot forsale {$$}.
A mayor can also charge an additional shop tax with /town set shoptax {$$}. This tax is charged in addition to the normal plot tax.

Arena Plots:

Arena plots are designated with /plot set arena.

PVP is on all the time in arena plots as well as friendly-fire damage. Town health regen is also disabled in arena plots.

Embassy Plots:

Embassy plots are designated with /plot set embassy.

A mayor can use /town set embassyprice {$$} to set how much embassy plots are sold at by default. This can be overridden when a mayor puts the actual plot up for sale with /plot forsale {$$}.
A mayor can also charge an additional embassy tax with /town set embassytax {$$}. This tax is charged in addition to the normal plot tax.
An embassy plot can be bought by any player, whether they are in a town or not. The town block remains owned by the host-town and a mayor from the host-town can take the plot from the owner at any time.
Embassy plots can also be changed into shop plots, allowing for larger shop towns, where many different towns' players can set up shops.
When a player leaves a town they do not lose ownership of their plots if those plots are set to be Embassy plots.

Wilds Plots:

Wilds plots are designated with /plot set wilds.

A wilds plot allows residents to destroy the blocks found on the wild ignore ID list. This includes ores, trees, flowers, mushrooms and other harvest-able blocks by default. It does not include stone, dirt, grass and other terrain blocks.
It is useful for creating tree farms, and protecting the terrain around a town, while still allowing residents to cut trees and explore caves.

Inn Plots:

Inn plots are designated with /plot set inn.

An Inn plot allows anyone to use a bed to set their '/res spawn' and spawn on death. The Inn plot will still deny a player who is in a nation declared as an enemy by your nation.

Jail plots:

Not set up on CC.

Farm Plots:

Farm plots are designated with /plot set farm

A Farm plot players to only build/destroy blocks designated in the Towny Config.yml at global_town_settings.farm_plot_allow_blocks. By default this list includes "LONG_GRASS, DOUBLE_PLANT, YELLOW_FLOWER, RED_ROSE, PUMPKIN_STEM, MELON_STEM, BEETROOT_BLOCK, CARROT, POTATO, CROPS, MELON_BLOCK, PUMPKIN".

Who can build/destroy these blocks is still determined by the plot's perm line seen in the /plot perm screen. This means that if B=rao, anyone can plant/place the allowed blocks in the plot. If the B=r-- then only town residents can plant/place the allowed blocks.

If admins want, they can add SOIL to the allowed blocks list, which will allow anyone allowed via the perm line to also make soil with a hoe. By default SOIL is not included and only admins/mayors/assistants will be able to create soil with a hoe. Towny already protects soil from being stomped into grass, so soil will only return to dirt if it is not irrigated.

Farm plots also allow town residents to kill animals in the plot. The list of animals is set in the config at global_town_settings.farm_animals. By default this list includes "PIG,COW,CHICKEN,SHEEP,MOOSHROOM".


Currently not working.

Normally town blocks are claimed around the home block, always connected to the town. To claim a town block out in the wilderness, a mayor or assistant must claim an outpost.

In order for players to claim outposts, the config must be set to allow_outposts: true and players require towny.town.claim.outpost in their permission node group.

The outpost list can be viewed by using /town outpost list command.


The 4 permission-types available are Build, Destroy, Switch and Itemuse.

  • Build allows players to add blocks in your town/plot.
  • Destroy allows players to remove blocks in your town/plot.
  • Switch covers the use of:
    • dispensers,

    • noteblocks,

    • chests,

    • furnaces,

    • wooden and iron doors,

    • levers,

    • gold, iron, stone and wood pressure plates,

    • stone buttons,

    • trapdoors,

    • jukeboxes,

    • redstone repeaters,

    • gates,

    • trapped chests,

    • redstone comparators,

    • beacon blocks,

    • hoppers,

    • droppers,

    • item frames,

    • Accessing minecart hoppers, minecart chests, minecart furnaces.

    • Shulker boxes

    • .... or any other type of block which is clicked on in some manner.
  • Itemuse covers the use of:

    • water and lava buckets,

    • empty buckets,

    • lighters,

    • bonemeal and other dyes,

    • enderpearls,

    • placing/destroying all minecart types,

    • firecharges,

    • using bottles.

    • .... or any other type of item which is used in some manner.


Each permission-type has 3 perm-groups to which the pemissions can be set for, these are displayed on your /resident perm line as FAO and stand for Friend, Ally, Outsider.
For residents the Friend group consists of a player's friend list.
For towns the perm line reads RAO, with R representing Residents (players in that town) and mayors need to use /t set perm resident blah on/off instead of /t set perm friend blah on/off
The other groups are:

  • Ally

    • Players from your town,

    • other towns in your nation,

    • and nations your nation is allied with.
  • Outsiders

    • Players who are not part of your town or nation or nation's allies.


Taxes are collected on the town level from residents and on the nation level from towns.
The config.yml has an entry to turn taxation on or off at daily_taxes: true
Any player can check the taxes which apply to them with the ingame command /res tax
Town mayors can use two commands to set their taxrates.

  • /town set taxes {$}

    • This can be either a flat rate (ex: 10) or a percentage.

      • Toggling taxes from flatrate to percentage is done using /town toggle taxpercent

      • Flatrate:

        • This charges each resident of a town the same amount. Setting it to 10 would charge each resident each 'Towny Day'.

        • If a resident can't pay his town tax when using flatrate taxation then he is kicked from the town.

          • Percentage:

            • This charges a player a percentage of their money. If a player has no money left, he pays no taxes and is not kicked from the town.

  • /town set plottax {$}

    • This charges each resident of a town for each plot they own. Setting it to 10 would charge Miner Steve 40 dollars if he owned 4 plots.

    • If a resident can't pay his plot tax he loses his plot.

Nation leaders can use one command to set a tax on their towns.

  • /nation set taxes {$}

    • This charges each town that is a member of the nation. Setting it to 100 would charge each town's townbank 100 each 'Towny Day'.

    • If a town can't pay it's tax then it is kicked from the nation.

All - Commands

- Town commands

  • /town - Gives the status of the town you are member of.
  • /town [town] - The selected towns status.
  • /town new [name] - Creates a new town with set name, remember to use "_" (underscore) instead of space.
  • /town here - Will display town status if you're standing in a town.
  • /town list [page] - Will list all towns, if too many there will be more pages.
  • /town online - Will list all online townsmen of your town.
  • /town leave - You will leave the current town you're member of.
  • /town reslist - Lists all residents in your town.
  • /town ranklist - Lists all available ranks.
  • /town outlawlist - Lists all outlaws in your town.
  • /town plots [town] - Shows a helpful list of plots and their types/revenue which are owned by the town.
  • /town outlaw add/remove [name] - Adds or removes a player on the outlaw list for the town.
  • /town spawn - Teleports you to the spawn of your town.
  • /town spawn [townname] - Teleports you to the desired town.
  • /town deposit [amount] - Deposit x amount of ember to the town bank.
  • /town add/remove [player] [rank] - Assigns a rank to the player for your town.
  • /town [claim/unclaim] - Claims or unclaims a plot for your town, where you're standing, must be beside a claimed block already.
  • /town [claim/unclaim] [outpost] [name] - Claims or unclaims an outpost for the town, that can be in a separate location from the town, does not need to be close to the town.
  • /town [claim/unclaim] [circle/rect] [radius] - Claims or unclaims around the radius or rectangle.
  • /town [claim/unclaim] [circle/rect] auto - Claims or unclaims the maximum of radius or rectangle that you are able to have or afford.
  • /town [deposit/withdraw] [amount] - Withdraws or deposits a certain amount of ember.
  • /town delete [Town-Name] - Deletes your town. Can't be redone.
  • /town otlawlist [town] - Displays a list of outlaws from the town.
  • /town outlaw [add/remove] [player] - Adds or removes a player from the outlaw list. will auto kick the player from town, if player is part of the town.
  • /town ranklist - List players with their ranks.
  • /town rank [add/remove] [player] [rank] - Changes the player rank in town to the desired rank.
  • /town reslist [townname] - Displays a full list of members of that town.
  • /town join [townname] - Joins the desired town, if town does not require invites.

Town Set commands

  • /town set border [msg] - Sets message seen by resident when logging in.
  • /town set mayor [player] - Gives a player the owner ship of the town, Warning use with care.
  • /town set homeblock - Changes the homeblock and spawn to desired plot.
  • /town set spawn - Changes the town spawn, must be in homeblock.
  • /town set spawncost - Set cost to teleport to spawn, does not affect town residents, or nation member or allied.
  • /town set name [name] - Changes your town name.
  • /town set outpost - Resets your outpost spawn point.
  • /town set jail - Resets a jail plot's spawn to current position
  • /town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] - Changes the permission for the whole town.
  • /town set perm [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
  • /town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
  • /town set perm reset - Resets the perm to normal.
  • /town set tag [UpTo4Character] - Sets tag (not used).
  • /town set tag clear - Clears tag.
  • /town set taxes [amount] - Changes taxes that are collected from each resident daily (IRL 24h).
  • /town set plottax [amount] - Changes taxes that are collected from each resident daily (IRL 24h) per plot.
  • /town set plotprice [amount] - Changes the cost to buy a plot.
  • /town set shopprice [amount] - Changes the cost to buy a shop.
  • /town set shoptax [amount] - Changes the shop tax that will be deducted every 24h IRL.
  • /town set embassyprice [amount] - Changes the embassyprice cost.
  • /town set embassytax [amount] - Changes the tax for embassy plot.

Town toggle commands

  • /town toggle explosion - Turns on/off explosion in town.
  • /town toggle fire - Turns on/off fire-spread in town.
  • /town toggle mobs - Turns on/off mob spawning in town.
  • /town toggle public - Turns on/off the public town, with regards of other players using town spawn command to teleport to the town.
  • /town toggle pvp - Turns on/off PVP in the town.
  • /town toggle taxpercent - Turns on/off tax percent or flat rate.
  • /town toggle open - Turns on/off for anyone can join the town.
  • /town jail [number] [player] - Sends a resident of your town to the jail spawn number specified, same command to unjail a player.

- Resident commands

  • /[res/resident] - Shows a player their resident screen
  • /res ? - Shows available commands.
  • /res [player] - Shows another players resident screen.
  • /res friend [add/add+] [player] - Adds a player to your friend list, if that player is offline use add+
  • /res friend [remove/remove+] [player] - Removes that player from your friend list.
  • /res friend clearlist - Removes all your friends.
  • /res list - List residents in town that are online.
  • /res jail paybail - Allows the player to pay to get out of jail.
  • /res spawn - Teleports player to bed.
  • /res tax - Shows how much taxes your are.

Resident toggle commands

  • /[res toggle map][/map on/off] - Toggles the towny map on/off.
  • /res toggle townclaim - Automatically claim the plot you move into.
  • /res toggle plotborder - Turns on smokey plot border view.
  • /res toggle reset - Turns off all active modes.

Resident Perm commands

  • /res set perm [friend/ally/outsider] [build/destory/switch/itemuse] [on/off] - Changes the plot you own to desired perm, eg if you want your friends to build/destroy, or if you want outsiders to be allowed to activate switches it is possible.
  • /res set perm reset - Resets the perm setting that you have applied to default.

- Plot commands

  • /plot - Shows the commands for /plot
  • /plot claim - Player can claim a plot that is for sale.
  • /plot unclaim - Player can unclaim a plot they own.
  • /plot [forsale/fs] [amount] - Puts the plot you're standing on forsale, amount is optional, if not used it uses the default town plot sale price.
  • /plot [notforsale/nfs] - Plots that are forsale will be removed.
  • /plot evict - Evicts the player from that plot.
  • /plot perm - Shows the perm on the plot you're standing on.
  • /plot perm hud - Changes between how the perms are presented in chat, in-line or a hud scoreboard.
  • /plot clear - Command that removes list of block ids from a plot.

Plot Set commands

  • /plot set reset - Turns a plot back to a normal plot.
  • /plot set shop - Turns that plot into a shop plot.
  • /plot set embassy - Turns that plot into an embassy plot.
  • /plot set arena - Turns that plot into an arena plot.
  • /plot set wilds - Turns a plot into wilds plot.
  • /plot set inn - Turns that plot into an inn plot.
  • /plot set jail - Turns that plot into a jail plot.
  • /plot set farm - Turns that plot into a farm plot.
  • /plot set bank - Turns that plot into a bank.
  • /plot set name - Allows to change the plot name to something else.
  • /plot set perm [friend/ally/outsider] [build/destory/switch/itemuse] [on/off] - Changes the plot to desired perm, eg if you want your friends to build/destroy, or if you want outsiders to be allowed to activate switches it is possible.
  • /plot set perm reset - Resets the perm setting that you have applied to default.

Plot toggle commands

  • /plot toggle fire - Turns on/off firespread on that plot.
  • /plot toggle pvp - Turns on/off pvp on that plot.
  • /plot toggle explosion - Turns on/off explosions for that plot.
  • /plot toggle mob - Turn on/off mob spawning on that plot.

- Towny commands

  • /towny - Shoes basic towny commands.
  • /towny ? - Shows more towny commands.
  • /towny map - Shows a towny map in chat.
  • /towny prices - Shows the prices to create a town/nation and the upkeep.
  • /towny time - Shows the time until next day in towny for tax/upkeep collection.
  • /towny top residents [all/town/nation] - Shows top residents.
  • /towny top land [all/resident/town] - Show top land owners.

- Nation commands

  • /[nat/nation] - Shows a player nation screen.
  • /nat ? - Shows nation commands.
  • /nat list - Lists all nations.
  • /nat online - Shows players in your nation which are online.
  • /nat [nation] - Shows that nation's screen for you.
  • /nat leave - Mayor of a town can use this to leave that nation.
  • /nat withdraw [amount] - King can withdraw from nation bank.
  • /nat deposit [amount] - Deposit to the nation bank.
  • /nat new [nationname] - Mayor creates a nation.
  • /nat rank - Command to set assistant or custom rank in the nation.
  • /nat add [town] - Sends an invite to the town mayor to join your nation.
  • /nat kick [town] - Kicks a town from the nation.
  • /nat delete [nation] - Deletes your nation.
  • /nat ally [add/remove] - Add or removes nation to the ally list.
  • /nat enemy [add/remove] - Add or removes nation to the enemy list.
  • /nat rank [add/remove] [player] [rankname] - Grants that player a rank in the nation.
  • /nation toggle neutral - Sets whether your nation will pay daily to be neutral during towny war.

Nation set command

  • /nat set king [resident] - Changes the nation king to a that resident.
  • /nat set capital [town] - Sets the capitol and king of the nation.
  • /nat set board [msg] - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.
  • /nat set taxes [amount] - Sets nation tax applied to the towns within the nation.
  • /nat set name [name] - Set a new name to the nation.
  • /nat set spawn - Sets the nation spawn point.
  • /nat set spawncost - Set the cost of public spawns to that nation. No effect on members of the nation or allies.
  • /nat set title [player] [title] - King adds a title to a member of the nation.
  • /nat set surname [player] [surname] - King adds a suffix to a member of that nation.